We have tried Jackson on cereal which he really does not like. We also gave him green beans one day which he gagged at the taste of...not once but twice! We also tried carrots which he was indifferent too. Hopefully, he will like the real green beans later in life because hat is a staple around here!

Jackson has started really teething. Though none have cut through, it is apparent that there are teeth on the way. He did not sleep at all last Sunday through Wednesday nights. He wants to bite everything and gets very frustrated if he cannot. He will attack your face, hands, arms, etc if it is within gnawing distance. Here he is biting on Yetti's chin which is something that I used to do to my Mamaw Margie and Great Aunt Dean. Mom said they loved to have me do that to them. I have seen photos of me doing it to both of them, but I haven't been able to locate them. That is on my to-do list this week along with 2,827,432,304 other things...

We went to
Moon Lake to my Aunt San and Uncle Rodney's house for a family get-together. They have a big pier with a pontoon boat and kinds of other water toys. Aunt San had a baby pool set up for Jackson on the pier. We had lunch and lots fellowship. Uncle Rodney took to Jackson. They were big buds all day long. Here they are napping together...

Jackson loves the water. He liked splashing in the baby pool since the lake water was too cold!

Papa has made it a regular occurrence to take Jackson on a four-wheeler or Gator ride around the yard. Jackson will cry when he turns it off. He is definitely an outdoorsy-kinda boy already!