Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big News

For those of you that don't know, Jackson is going to be a big brother. We found out about two weeks ago that I was pregnant. It was a shocker but nonetheless very exciting news. Baby #2 is due April 14th. That will make them almost 16 months apart. Life will be crazy come April!
Jackson is growing so much, more than ever in the personality department. It is truly unbelievable the things that he has started doing lately. It really is something new everyday! Here are a list of things going on with him right now:

-Eating baby food well (FINALLY)

-Learning finger foods (fruits, Cheerios, etc)

-Army crawling like a champ...not sure he'll ever crawl. He is just fine with his present method.

-Though he won't get on all fours to crawl, he'll do it just to crawl over or into things which he LOVES doing. As seen below:
-Waves goodbye and hello which just makes me smile every time!

-Does need assistance to pull up but loves to stand holding on to something for hours!

-Plays chase with us. We will crawl out of sight, he will come find us, then once he does he immediately turns around, squeals, and takes off away from us! It is precious. I think he learned this from his Yetti and Papa who always play a similar game but just with Yetti holding him and Papa chasing him.

-Rocks back and forth and dances when happy or prompted to dance.

-Knows the meaning of "no" and sometimes gets his feelings hurt after telling him not to do something. It is the most pitiful sight!

-Spits out his pacifier for food or his bottle. It is so funny!

I am sure there are many more funny/adorable things that he is doing, but that is all I have for you right now. He still is the happiest little man.


Sarah Barry said...

heather, congrats again! no joke, i had a dream last night that i was pregnant. i know i dreamed this because of you. i was so stressed in the dream because i'm still breastfeeding (in real life)and i thought...there is no way i'm going to keep breastfeeding and be pregnant at the same time!!!

Jackson looks so cute and it sounds like he's very busy too.

Anonymous said...

Just had to check in to be sure all was well. Can't wait to see Jackson. He is getting so big. We love you both. I mean we love you all!
The cades